To All Participants in Fountain Vineyard
Hi Friends,
May this be an awesome year of breakthroughs and fruitfulness for all of us!!!
I am praying that the challenges of last year will simply have prepared us for wonderful developments this year!! This is our 40th year as a church!!
A few guiding points for the way ahead:
1. We are starting with a Week of Prayer and Fasting! All are invited to participate any way you can.
2. The following will be serving as Eldership this year:
Dave and Colleen Pedersen
Gavin and Karen Maree
Shelley and Kelvin Haschick
Cameron McIntosh
Darren and Leigh-Anne Ryder
Val Stockwell
Hannah Maclean
Lyle and Tash Kretzmann
Dale and Ren Tucker
3. We continue to trust God with our finances. The God-given principle of tithing which we acknowledge as a guideline of gratitude leads to adequate provision for all the Lord wants for us.
Thank you to all who are joining with us in financial faith with tithes and offerings. We would love to finish this financial year well and see the Eden Life building paid off.
4. We welcome Mark and Amanda Stafford for an exploratory 3 month period of pastoral training and involvement.
5. We continue to cultivate the culture of community as we try to help people enjoy meaningful belonging in community. Our Connect Groups and Vision and Values Evening (9 Feb) are helping us to do this.
6. Our upcoming Easter Camp at Kirkwood is a table of wonders!!! We are so looking forward to this time and all that the Lord has for us.
Colleen and I continue to be grateful for the privilege of serving in leadership among you. We do ask for your prayers though!!!
Much love
Senior Pastor
